
How to choose suitable mobile power supply

How to choose suitable mobile power supply

Post by Eleker

如今人们每天都在使用着移动设备,聊天、办公、支付、听音乐、看视频、购物......工作生活方方面面都离不开它们。而“一天一充”的电量,已经不能满足这些移动设备的频繁使用频率了。无论是学生党、上班族还是出差旅行的人们,外出途中当手机或其它移动设备弹出“电池电量不足,还剩10%电量” 时, 安全感好像也随着电量减少而慢慢消失.....如果出门拥有一款适用自己的移动电源,放在包里以备不时之需,可以大大降低因没电引起尴尬的频率!有些用户在购买移动电源时,可能会被产品广告误导,买到不合用的产品。普通用户可以从外观体积、电池容量、充/放电功率这几个参数中寻找自己合用的产品。移动电源的容量太小了会...

A practical and powerful portable power bank

A practical and powerful portable power bank

Post by Eleker

Most mobile power sources on the market have mainly used capacity and appearance as selection factors for many years.The function is usually just to charge the mobile phone with a data cable connection, 10W to 18W input/output,Although it can meet the needs of most mobile phone users,But for people ...